Chapter 4
1.      As the information systems manager for a small manufacturing plant, you are responsible for anything relating to the use of information technology. A new inventory control system is being implemented to track the track the quantity and movement of all finished products stored in a local warehouse. Each time a forklift operator moves a case of product, he or she must first scan the product identifier code on the case. The product information is captured, as is the day, time, and forklift operator identifier number. This data is transmitted over a local area network (LAN) to the inventory control computer, which then displayed information about the case and where it should be placed in the warehouse.
        The warehouse manager is excited about using case movement data monitor worker productivity. He will be able to tell how many cases per shift each operator moves and he plans to use this data provide performance feedback that could result in pay increases or termination. He asked you if there are any potential problems with using the data in this manner and, if so, what should be done to avoid them. How would you respond?
Ø  Us information system manager one of your responsibility is to guide your members in achieving their specific task. You will give them sort of advice that could be useful to them. You should have to give them clear answers to their questions.
2.      You have been asked to help develop a company policy on what should be done in the event of a data breach, such as unauthorized access to your firm’s customer databases, which contains some 1.5 million records. What sort of process would you use to develop such a policy? What resources would you call on?
Ø  Policies are the business rules and guidelines of a company that ensure consistency and compliance with the company’s strategic direction.  The Policies lay out the business rules under which a company, division, or department will operate. Policies are the guidelines under which Procedures are developed.  There is not a one-to-one relationship between a Policy and a Procedure.  Policies are not part of the Procedure, because they cannot be properly structured.  However, the Procedure must reflect the business rules contained in the Policies.
3.      You are a new brand manager for a product line of Coach Purses. You are considering purchasing customer data from a company that sells a large variety of women’s products online. In addition to providing a list of names, mailing addresses, and email addresses, the data includes an approximate estimate of customers’ annual income based on the zip code in which they live, census data, and highest level of education achieved. You could use the estimate of annual income to identify likely purchasers of your high-end purses, and use email addresses to send emails announcing the new product line and touting its features. List the advantages and disadvantages of such a marketing strategy. Would you recommend this means of promotion in this instance? Why or why not?
Ø  You create a marketing strategy to gain advantages in the marketplace, but you must remain aware of the disadvantages of any given marketing strategy. Your marketing choices require awareness of advantages vs. disadvantages, and as you weigh these, you must be prepared to change strategies when disadvantages become too great. Examine the areas where marketing strategies can benefit or harm your business, so that you can act quickly to adjust your marketing to benefit your company.

4.      Your company is rolling out a training program to ensure that everyone is familiar with the company’s IT usage policy. As a member of the Human Resources Department, you have been asked to develop a key piece of the training relating to why this policy is needed. What kind of concerns can you expect your audience to rise? How can you deal with this anticipated resistance to the policy?
Ø  Maybe they would ask the benefits that they can have with the presence of IT usage policy. For me, I would recognize the things which conform to this IT usage policy and show them clearly so that they will understand.
5.      You are CPO of a mid-sized manufacturing company that has sales of more than $250 million per year and almost $50 million from online sales. You have been challenges
Ø  It is under more pressure than ever to innovate, create and compete for market share. Getting new products to market fast is of utmost importance, and rapid innovation that leverages existing product designs – and protects product quality – is imperative.

Chapter 5
1.      A former high school classmate of yours who returned to China emails you that he has been offered a part-time job monitoring a Chinese Web site and posting comments favorable to the government. How would you respond?
Ø  It would be great, because it is a big opportunities to work abroad, to have experience working in the other countries specifically in China. For me I grab the chance.
2.      Your 15-year-old nephew exclaims “Oh wow!” and proceeds to tell you about a very revealing photo attachment he just received in a text message to others in his school. What would you say to your nephew? Are further steps needed besides a discussion on sexting?
Ø  In that case, I would say to my nephew that it is not right to have a sexting in his very young age. And yes, there are further steps needed to discuss on him about it is not for him to have a sexting at that age.
3.      A college friend of yours approaches you about an idea to start a PR firm that would specialized in  monitoring the internet for ”bad PR” about a company and “fixing” it. One tactic the firm would use is to threaten negative posters with a libel lawsuit unless they remove their posting. Should that fail, the PR firm will generate dozens of positive postings to outweigh the negative posting. What would you say to your friend about her idea?
Ø  For me, I would say that I didn't agree on her one tactic that the firm would use is to   threaten negative posters with a libel lawsuit unless they remove their posting, because it can harm to other people that have a positive posting to the internet, for those people who have a good intention about that PR firm.

4.      You are the computer technical resource for county’s public library system. The library is making plans to install Internet filtering software so that it will conform to the Children’s Internet Protection Act and be eligible for federal funding. What sort of objections can you expect regarding implementation of internet filters? How might you deal with such objections?
Ø  Some objection that we expect to this is from those children who like online games, YouTube, and etc. Maybe I would gather a symposium for these children to understand that why we need to have internet filtering. I would tell to them the significance of having this internet filtering software.
5.      Imagine that you receive a hate email at your school or job. What would you do? Does your school or workplace have a policy that covers such issues?
Ø  If I receive a hate email u would say to my staff or coworkers that it is not right to tell others for those who didn't know about the hate email that we receive because it can passively ruin the image of the school or at my job. 

6.      A coworker confides to you that he is going to begin sending emails to your employer’s internal corporate blog site, which serve as a suggestions box. He plans to use anonymous remailer and sign the messages “Anonymous.” Your friend is afraid of retribution from superiors but wishes to call attention to instances of racial and sexual discrimination observed during his five years as an employee with the firm. What would you say to your friend?
Ø  If he/she even wants to have that suggestion box. I would give advice to him that in her email, there would be no harsh words that may affect her job.

Chapter 6
1.      You have been asked by the manager of software development to lead a small group of software developers in an attempt to re-engineers the latest release of the software by your leading competitor. The goal of the group is to identify features that could be implemented into the next few releases of your firm’s software. You are told that the group would relocate from the United states to the island of Antigua, in the Caribbean Sea, to “reduce the risk of the being distracted by the daily pressures associated with developing fixes and enhancements with the current software release.” What sort of legal and/or ethical questions might be raised by this reengineering effort? Would you consider taking this position?
Ø  Yes, because I should not fail the expectations of the manager of having me to lead a small group of software developers, it would be very honor for me to be chosen. So, I will do my very best to the given task to me. I will use all my knowledge to help this small group of software developments to reach their goals.

2.       You have procrastinated too long and now your final paper for your junior English course is due in just five days-right in the middle of final exam week! The paper counts for half your grade for the term and would probably take you at least 20 hours to research and write. Your roommate , an English major with a 3.8 GPA, has suggested two options, (1) he will write an original paper for you for $100, or (2) he will show you two of three “paper mill” Web sites, from which you can download a paper foe less than $35. You want to do the right thing, but writing the paper will take away from the time you have available to study for your final exam in three other courses. What would you do?
Ø  In my perception, plagiarism is not accepted therefore, I would give all my best to finish the task given to me. If I do not make it, then it’s my loss for having procrastinated in doing my assignments.
3.      You are beginning to feel very uncomfortable in your new position as a computer hardware salesperson for a firm that is the major competitor of your previous employer. Today, for the second time, someone has mentioned to you how valuable it would be to know what the marketing and new products development plans were of your employer. You stated that you are unable to discuss such information under the nondisclosure contract signed with your former employer, but you know your response did not satisfy your new coworkers. You fear that the pressure to reveal information about the plans of your former company is only going to increase over the next few weeks. What do you do?
Ø  Having this kind of situation we don’t avoid of being uncomfortable because the said coworkers expect too much. Us for me, I will show to them what I can do and what best I have for the new position given to me.
4.      You have been asked to lead your company’s new competitive intelligence organization. What would you do to ensure that members of the new organization obey applicable laws and the company’s own policies?
Ø  To gain the respect of your team members to be a leader, we should create a goal that is achievable, feasible and clear to them. To act us a leader, you should not be strict to gain their respect but rather you should look your members us your friend or brother or sister to have harmonious relationships.
5.      You are the vice president for software development at s small, private firm. Sales of your firm’s products have been strong, but you recently detected a patent infringement by one of your larger competitors. Your in-house legal staff has identified three options: (1) ignore the infringement out of fear that your larger competitor will file numerous counter-suits; (2) threaten to file suit, but try to negotiate an out-of-court settlement for an amount of money.
Ø  Small private one person offices with doors for development work Small offices to hold 3-6 people for group meetings, testing, etc. Larger offices for team meetings (6-15 people – obviously depends on the team size!) Large open area (or 2) for more open/casual discussion. All areas should have Wi-Fi or appropriate connectivity for the number of people the space should accommodate.

Discussion Questions
1.      Should Apple conduct extensive screening of Apps before they are allowed to be sold to the App Store? Why or why not?
Ø  For me yes, the apple should conduct extensive screening of apps before they are allowed to be sold in the App Store. For them to know what is information needed in their application, it is not harmful for those people.
2.      Do research to determine the current status of the FCC investigation of Apple for banned use of the Adobe Flash software on devices that use the IOS operating system.
Ø  Yes, because for them to determine the current status of the FCC investigation.
3.      What do you think of Apple’s guideline that says it will reject an app for any content or behavior that they believe is over the line? Could such a statement be construed as a violation of the developer’s freedom of speech? Why or why not?
Ø  In this case, it is not a violation of the developers freedom of speech, because that is the right way of using the Apple’s guidelines and it is their decision to do that application.

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