Reasons why there are no Licensure exam for IT Professionals

The licensing examination is one of the last hurdles that a candidate must face in the licensing process. A board has the ultimate responsibility to ensure that the examination meets technical, professional, and legal standards, and, protects the health, safety and welfare of the public by assessing candidates’ abilities to practice competently. Once a candidate has passed a licensing examination, the board must be comfortable granting the license, thus assuring the public that the licensee is minimally qualified to practice at the time of initial licensure.
            One of the reasons why there are no licensure exams for IT professional is that this course is a ladderized program, and there are some IT students who graduated 2 or 3 years just to get a certificate. And if it will be based on a legal process, IT graduate cannot be called as a professional, but it will be considered as an IT professional because the skills and knowledge acquired in this course are specific and familiar only to those who study this course or similar courses. Some graduates choose to take the competency examination called the Civil Service Examination. Those who will pass the Civil Service Examination are conferred a civil service eligibility, a basic requirement for entrance to government service. There are many government offices that need the services of Information Technology graduates.
            We can’t deny the fact that Information Technology course is one of the most enrolled courses by the fresh graduate of high school students. Because maybe some of them thought that this course that they are going to be taken is very easy for them to cope up with. But there are some instances that after the first semester, some of the students who taking up the said course look another so called simple and easy one which fit their capacity and interest. Through this situation, it only shows that Information Technology is not that so cool path to be taken.
            Even though Information Technology graduate students don’t have their Licensure examination, but many of them reached great achievements and some of them brought pride not only for themselves but to our country as well. It is very good to hear that many IT graduates students used their ability which is related to their line of work that helps people develop their skills in terms of technology. Many issues involved when we talk about the technology such as; cybercrime, hacker, computer games addiction and etc. These are the disadvantages that we’ve been noticed in technology. On the other hand, there are also advantages about it such as; technology can help us to make our work easier. So, without those discoverers, our knowledge about computer will not be improved and will not be developed.

            In my own opinion, I can say that Information Technology graduate students don’t have their Licensure examination for the reason that while they are taking this course, their just like frightened to failed each and every major subjects because it is very difficult for them to pass the said matter.

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