o   There are many ethical issues about which people hold very strong opinions-abortion, gun control, and the death penalty, to name a few. If you were a team member on a project with someone whom you knew held an opinion different from yours on one of these issues, would not affect your ability to work effectively with this person? Why or why not?
ü  No, every individual have different principles and views of things surrounds us, it’s either a positive or negative outlook. For me we should respect our differences like opinions to certain factors in order to have camaraderie to each members of a team, that’s why it should not affect the relationships with which you will be partner with in a certain work.
o   Identify two important life experiences that helped you define your own personal code of ethics.
ü  There was a time that I have given a particular task to do. During that process of accomplishing that task I did not follow the given set of guidelines instead, I made my own decision in completing the work that I thought suitable but in the end I failed. By that, I’ve learned that in order for us to accomplishing any assignments, we must first have a disciplined to ourselves that enables us to pursue and do the job accordingly.
o   Do you think that the importance of ethical behavior in business is increasing or decreasing?
ü  I prefer in increasing because I believe that to have a successful business we must practice a certain ethical behavior to have a smooth relationship not only to your colleague but also to the people that we might encounter.
o   Do you believe that an organization should be able to escape criminal liability for the acts of its employees if it has acted as a responsible corporate citizen, making strong efforts to prevent and detect misconduct in the workplace? Why or why not?
ü  If I found out that it cannot affect the organization then I’d prefer not to engage their problem.
o   It is possible for an employee to be successful in the workplace without acting ethically?
ü  No
o   Should software piracy within the boundaries of third-world countries be tolerated to allow those countries an opportunity to move into the information age?
ü  No, because it can cause cybercrime that lead to harm other people with their personal lifestyle.
o   Is ethics training really just a waste of time that will not change the behavior of employees?
ü  No, because it will serve us guidelines for those employees to act and work accordingly to their specific task.

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